The Ultimate Summer Guide to Stockholm

Skeppsbron, photo by: Ola Ericson/
Here at the Rival Hotel, we can tell that the summer season is gearing up... less businessmen and more tourists (even on the weekedays), more questions about the archipelago as well as a sharp increase in e-mails asking advice about what to see/do/dine while in Stockholm. I thought I would put togther a collection of my most popular summer-themed blog articles as well as links to some excellent websites to help you make the most out of your visit to Stockholm. Always good to do some research and plan ahead...


Getting Around the City
Sightseeing (multiple blog articles, but here are links to the individual company websites)
This is really just some highlights and top tips. If you are booked at the Rival Hotel... contact me directly if you need assistance or more information.
Strandvägen, photo by: Henrik Trygg/


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